About our PPG
Our Patient Participation Group
Pocklington Group Practice has an active Patient Participation Group (PPG) which enables patients to become involved in decisions about the range and quality of services being provided and, over time, those to be commissioned in the future. It acts as a “critical friend” to the Practice.
The group, which was set up towards the end of 2010, has a maximum of 20 members who meet regularly. However, as it wishes to be as representative of the practice population as it possibly can be it would like to hear from patients who are either interested in becoming future members when there is a vacancy, or wish to become members of our new ‘virtual’ PPG now and contribute to the key issues via email.
To register your interest in the group, please email our Business PA, Marcia Glover on hnyicb-voy.feedback.pgp@nhs.net.
Patient Survey
2016/17 Patient Survey
Pocklington Group Practice and the Patient Participation Group (PPG) would like to thank all those patients who took the time to complete our last patient survey. We value such participation from our patients highly as your comments and suggestions help us to improve and progress. The results have been analysed and reviewed by the management and the PPG and many of the suggestions have been put in place. These include a larger television monitor in the waiting area and an extension of the time an individual’s name is shown on the screen when called in for their appointment. We have also introduced text messaging as a reminder for appointments, which has been well received, we introduced cloud based telephony to improve your experience of telephone waiting times which was one of the biggest areas of dissatisfaction; we are working on a number of other suggestions.
We are planning another survey for this year and whilst we carry out regular surveys, we would welcome your feedback at any time as we find it an invaluable source of information, to help us continue to make improvements for the benefit of all. You can do this by completing a Practice feedback form via our website or by completing a Friends and Family care when you visit the surgery or using the online version, again found on our website.
Survey Results and Reports
PPG End of Year Report 2015/2016
Patient Participation Group End of Year Report 2014-2015
Patient Participation Group (PPPG) Annual Report 2013-2014
Patient Participation Report 2013