Pocklington Group Practice is an active Research Practice
Pocklington Group Practice takes part in effective medical research through the Primary Care Research Network within the NHS National Institute for Health Research. NHS medical research helps to improve the health and well-being of the nation.
The Practice is currently involved in the following research trials
ACTIVE BRAINS TRIAL https://www.activebrains.online/ – Trial team have made a new website called ‘Active Brains’ which aims to help older adults to look after their brain and body health. The aim is to help prevent problems with things like remembering, concentrating or reasoning (known as cognitive decline). The website will help older adults to make simple changes such as getting more active, playing brain training games and finding ways to eat more healthily. This research will test how well the website works.
CANAssess https://ctru.leeds.ac.uk/canassess/– Cancer Needs Assessment in Primary Care. A cluster randomised feasibility trial (cRCT) to test the routine use of the NAT:PD-C in primary care to reduce unmet cancer patient and caregiver need and determine the feasibility of a definitive trial
ATTACK https://www.nctu.ac.uk/our-research/randomised-trials/current-studies/attack.aspx – Does low-dose aspirin reduce the chance of a first heart attack or stroke in patients with chronic kidney disease (CKD)?
This is a large-scale academic study, being led by the University of Southampton, to see whether or not patients with chronic kidney disease should take aspirin daily to prevent a first heart attack or stroke. It is recruiting patients from GP practices across the UK, and looks to invite 198,000 patients.
DaRe2THINK https://www.birmingham.ac.uk/research/cardiovascular-sciences/research/dare2think – DaRe2THINK is a transformational project that will test a new way of running clinical trials at General Practices in the NHS.
The trial will use health information already collected in the NHS to reduce the time taken for research, both for patients and NHS staff. This will allow the NHS to reach new and larger groups of patients that could benefit from new treatments.
The first trial will target an important health concern, aiming to improve the health outcomes of patients with atrial fibrillation (AF), by reducing the risk of stroke, blood clots and potentially cognitive decline and vascular dementia.
Discover ME https://www.discovermestudy.com/– Discover Me is a research study that aims to analyse health and genetic information on thousands of people. The aim is to increase our understanding of many different diseases, and help improve patient care.
RELIEF https://www.nctu.ac.uk/our-research/randomised-trials/current-studies/relief.aspx – The trial is looking at whether an inhaler which contains drugs to both relieve symptoms and to prevent attacks, in a single combination inhaler, is better for treating mild asthma symptoms in adults than two separate inhalers — one for symptoms (attacks) and one for prevention (before attacks happen).
ASYMPTOMATIC https://asymptomatic-trial.org.uk/– A randomised controlled trial assessing symptom-driven versus maintenance preventer therapy for the outpatient management of asthma in children
From time to time, we may also invite patients to take part in other trials by acting as a Participant Identification Centre. Examples of this include the recent ‘Smell Test Direct’ which is a study from The Michael J. Fox Foundation exploring the link between smell loss and brain disease, specifically, if smell loss is a precursor to Parkinson’s Disease.
The Research Team for Pocklington Group Practice are:
Dr Lewis Pearce
Lisa Schofield
Speak to your GP for more information on how to volunteer for a research trial. Patients often find our research trials to be an interesting and enjoyable experience.